Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sister

No, it's not about a relative or Whoopie in a habit, but I wanted to share a quick post about a book I recently read called (what else?) The Sister. Here's my Amazon.com review.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book from my local library. It has an intriguing cover and was in the new books section, so I snatched it.

Ginny is the narrator of the story, and although some of the action happens in her family's crumbling mansion in the present day, she has several flashbacks to her childhood, which revolved around her slightly younger sister Vivi. The girls had a seemingly idyllic childhood, complete with a scientist father and a quasi-socialite mother, but, of course, everything was a bit darker behind closed doors.

It's hard to say much about the book without giving away the plot, but imagine Grey Gardens with a dash of The Glass Castle set in jolly old England. This story is not the most compelling I've read lately, and parts of it crawl a bit, but it's a worthwhile read. The fact that Adams is also a documentary filmmaker comes across in her detail of the scientific research conducted by Ginny and her father. Plus, the perspective is definitely unique and worth the 200+ pages.

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