Sunday, February 28, 2010

Marchin' On

I guess it doesn't really matter if you're having fun; time still flies. (Incidentally, I am having some fun.) Here's what's up for March's to-do list:

1. Seek out or make artwork for my apartment. I have lots of empty, white wall space, and it's calling out for some color.

2. Wear my favorite color on March 17 so I don't get pinched.

3. Continue my lust lists. I'm enjoying them, and hopefully you are, too.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Perfect Thing...

The Room -(Ungradeable) I've hit a point in my life where, for the most part, I can't enjoy watching a movie for the 'camp' value any more. I just don't have the patience to watch 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' these days because as my life goes on, I feel that time I spend chuckling ironically over 'Monster-a-go-go' or some Golan-Globus schlock fest could've been spent watching a genuine film made with care and commitment. As a case in point, I've only watched about fifteen minutes of Uwe Boll's crapfest, 'Alone in the Dark' before I switched off. (You know, it's the one where Tara Reid plays an anthropologist. Yeah.) While I get the trope of 'So Bad It's Good', just fine, most movies that fall under that rubic are...well, just bad.

It's because in this day and age, anything hacked out cheaply for the lowest common denominator is usually done by indifferent technicians, like Uwe Boll, above. There are other examples, naturally. Michael Bay shoots films like he's still directing Pontiac car commercials, the Seltzer/Friedburg guys who excrete those 'Scary/Date/Epic' movies. You get the idea. It's because there's so much money at stake, any films like 'Manos-The Hands of Fate' haven't got a hope in hell of ever getting made. These days, one million dollars for a budget is basically no-budget cinema.

So here's Tommy Wiseau's debut, 'The Room'. How bad is it? Let me put it this way: Jerry Lewis made an as-of-now unreleasable film, 'The Day the Clown Cried', which is part of Hollywood lore as possibly the worst film ever. (Brief synopsis: Lewis plays a washed-up circus clown in Nazi Germany named Helmut Doork. He drunkenly insults a Nazi official and is sent to Auschwitz. There, he finds a job entertaining condemned children on their way to the gas chamber. Comedian Harry Shearer, from the Simpsons, has seen it and calls it, 'A Perfect Thing', in that its sheer awfulness is as close to missing the mark on movie-making as you are ever hoping to get. If you think about the initial premise, and shoot downwards in your estimation on how bad such a thing could be, you're giving Lewis too much credit...)

The Room is Tommy Wiseau's 'Perfect Thing'. Every possible way a film can fuck up, this film fucks up. The story is incoherent. Subplots fall away to nothing. The acting is community theater-awful. Actors disappear and their lines are given to other people. Pointless establishing shots and even more pointless green-screen shots are splattered high and low. There is no sense of time passing. The camera goes out of focus. This is, beyond a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen in my life.

And yet, it has a weird fascinating pull to it, for two reasons: one, the star, producer, writer and director, Tommy Wiseau. He's a clueless little middle-aged, lumpy troll with a mop of curly black hair and a strange foreign accent who tries to pass himself off as 'a regular, nice guy' in this film. (That's him in the above poster.) So here's the story, such as it is: Tommy plays a 'great guy' who works at a bank, doing something, we're not sure, and is about to marry his fiancee, Lisa, in a month. After a couple of soft-core love scenes where Tommy tries to screw her belly-button, apparently, Lisa decides that she doesn't want to marry him, and cheats on him with his best friend. He finds out about her betrayal, flips out at them at a party, then kills himself. There's a couple of subplots, where Tommy is supporting some retarded kid who owes a drug dealer money, and Lisa's mom tells Lisa that she has cancer, and nothing comes of them. Oh, and there's this other friend of Tommy and Lisa who's a shrink, and he tells them to work out their problems, but the actor playing him quit halfway through, (wonder why?) so the shrink's lines go to this guy we've never seen before. (It makes Ed Wood substituting his chiropractor for Bela Lugosi in Plan 9 look like Scorsese.) Tommy Wiseau shoots this film the same way he acts, with a clueless oblivion that I've never seen before and I will never see again, hopefully. Wiseau has literally made art in reverse.

The other impression I've gotten from this movie is that, as inept and weird as it is, it's come from a very deeply personal place from Tommy Wiseau. In his past, some heartless bitch screwed him over, tore his heart out and stomped on it with a pair of golf cleats. And this movie is his revenge, his cry of pain, his soul laid bare. I'm kind of sad to have seen it, for I know that what ever Mr. Wiseau chooses to do in the future will never come close to the sheer ineptitude and goofiness of this, his magnum opus. He can only go up from here.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lust List: Week Five

This week I've got my specs set on Restoration Hardware. I've posted a little bit about this place before, but these are some of my favorites. Just like with other lust-y posts, I feel like this place is uber-expensive, but they have great things.

Their whole look is very calming and put together. For some reason, walking around the store makes me think autumnal thoughts, even in July. Everything is very clean and simple, but it also has that vintage feel.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lust List: Week Four

Ahh. Room & Board, how I love thee. Almost everyting they carry is completely simple without being boring or old-looking (in the bad way). The prices are fairly high, but I get the sense that these are investment pieces and that the quality is top-notch. They also offer things that are truly iconic, and I don't just throw that word around willy-nilly.

I've gotten (and drooled over) the catalogs for years, but I have not yet made a purchase. If I did, these might be some of the items en route to my address.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lust List: Week Three

I thought I'd go for the obvious and post my next Lust List on Valentine's Day. Fitting? Well, lust is a bit strong here. Pottery Barn is always nice but sort of basic--which defnitely has its place. See also: my wardrobe.

But their stuff is unnecessarily expensive to me. It lasts, though. The tip here is to go to the back and look for sale items. When I first moved, I found some awesome green washcloths that had been eight dollars each marked down to $1.99. I bought four.

Usually I find tons of stuff in the catalog that I like, but I just spent about an hour on the website and am just not feeling it so much this time around. Here's what I did find, though...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lust List: Week Two

This week's target is CB2, which is the spunky little sister of Crate & Barrel. Just like with West Elm, I don't always lust over CB2, but they do have some nice finds. And their catalogs/website are always fun to peruse. Sometimes their stuff is way too modern or loft-y or plastic-y, but there are some definite gems to be found. That lamp is pretty much my ideal piece of decor; I love everything about it.

As before, you can click the pictures to be taken directly to the product pages. I hope you're enjoying this new series.

Monday, February 8, 2010

West Elm Update

On Saturday I popped by my local West Elm store, and I have to say that it was bittersweet. That natural-colored pendant fixture is really nice looking, but it has this cloth/filter/shade thing underneath--you know, right where the light would come out. That could possibly make my bedroom more dim. Not ideal.

But the gray fixture (see the first picture in my previous post) is neat. I'm sort of worried about the scale, but I'm still thinking about it. That one does not have any crazy filters. In fact, it's lined with a metallic something or other that is supposed to reflect light.

The chairs and sheets were exactly what I had hoped for. But I didn't buy anything. Not to worry. :) Plus, by the time I'm ready to throw open the curtains and let some light in, those items will probably be on sale.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lust List: Week One

It all started with a catalog. A West Elm catalog. It came in the mail the other day, and I have been thinking of it constantly since then. For the first time in a long time, I want so many things in it. Maybe it's my self-imposed shopping freeze, but these things were calling my name.

At first I thought it might just be Domo, but no. It's this fresh style. That light fixture is exactly what I want and need for my bedroom. West Elm is really hit-or-miss for me mostly. The prices are usually reasonable, but sometimes their pieces are too modern--too ethnic, too gimmicky, too low to the ground. When they're good, though, they're good.

I will leave the bulk of interior posts up to Nick Olsen and my pals at My White Shirt and Dept. of the Interior, but I'm going to do a few weekly posts about some of my favorite furniture "and stuff" from some major retailers. Click the pictures of individual items to be linked to their pages on

Now that I have my own place, I can finally start making a few dreams a bit closer to reality. Note: I do not advocate going to a single store for everything. It doesn't work for clothing, and it doesn't work for homes. Variety is the spice of life, ya know.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February is for Lovers.

I'll spare you the usual speech about how I can't believe it's time to post another new calendar shot. And how the previous month flew by. And how I feel like I'm running at an incredible rate of speed.

Ok. JK about that last part. I don't run.

For this month's to-do list:

1. Get more sleep at night. I've been staying up until midnight here lately. If you see me on-line after 10:30 PM, please tell me to go to bed. Don't be an enabler.

2. Maybe buy a new TV. I know, I know. My resolution. But this is something I should buy for myself. I still have my sister's old loaner TV right now, which I'm completely grateful for. But I hear that HD is the wave of the future, and LOST just started back up. I'm already hooked I can't even stand it.

3. Exercise. Whoops. I know I said it last month, but I haven't done it. Not once. Not even a little. I am making my new pedometer jump, jump, though.

Have an excellent February, won't you?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Meet My New Friend

Hey everybody. I'll try to get my February calendar post up tomorrow, but for now I wanted to show you my new friend Domo. He was a gift from my other friend, Emily.

When I'm at work all day, he holds down the fort at the apartment. I think the eyes are the funniest part.