Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2009 is Halfway Over? Wha?!

It is crazy to me to think that this year is at its halfway point. As my pal Holly said a few days ago, it's only 6 more months until Christmas (!). I feel like we just put the tree away. Ok, so we don't put up a tree at my house--but at work.

At any rate, I thought it might be fun to make some lists for July. Here's part of my to-do list:

1. Celebrate America. Despite some of the junk that goes on, it's a wonderful place to live. No place is perfect--not even Nova Scotia. (I realize it's a province and not a country.)

2. Exercise more. Believe me, where I live, this is easier said than done right now. The temperature often breaks triple digits, with the humidity level not far behind. I just have to get a later start if hoofing it out-of-doors.

3. Try to boost my own mood. Without using narcotics, hired cheerleaders, or excessive sugar intakes, I need to remember to put on more smiles than frowns. This generally refers to my work face. I'm hoping that the summertime teller obligations will end with this month.

Oh. And here's what not-to-do this month...or any month.

1. Forget to wear SPF outside. I rarely head out in the daylight (very Twilight of me, no?), but sometimes I catch myself in the rays without proper protection. Tisk, tisk.

2. Let clutter accumulate. Whether it's e-mail, envelopes containing the credit card offer of my life, or books from Goodwill, heaps of most things are rarely good. (Noted exceptions: money and SunChips.)

3. Floss in public. Yes, a lady did that today at the drive thru window. I almost gagged a little in the microphone.

(That cool calendar was a gift from my friend Ashley. It's recycled paper and has a little wooden holder. Fun times.)

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