Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Redbox Roundup

When isn't a movie weekend a smashing idea?  One of my semi-new favorite things in life is Redbox.  New releases for $1.  You can't beat it.  (Especially in a recession.  Am I right?)  Last Sunday I had a mini-marathon, as I was woefully behind on some movies I'd been jonesing to watch.

First up was Hereafter.

Did this one pass you by?  That's a shame because it's really interesting.  Matt Damon is the biggest name in the cast, but there are lots of great performances.  Plus, it has twin brothers.  And they're British.  I'm a twin, so I'm always intrigued by stories like this.  It's not a very fast-moving story, but that's ok.  Not everything has to have Furious in the title.

Then we have this one.

Oh, Natalie.  You just chewed up every piece of that scenery, didn't you?  But I liked it.  I guess it was sort of a bummer to have seen most of the pivotal clips on awards shows and whatnot, but the overall tone of the film was unlike anything I'd ever watched.  I was rooting for Nina, but I sort of knew how things would end.

I rounded out the film fest with The Social Network.  And I know some of you may disagree with me, but I could not get on board with this movie.  I think that the Oscar buzz was way overrated and not deserved.  It just seemed like a movie of the week to me, and Jesse Eisenberg seemed completely one-dimensional.  I hung on for about an hour and then had to cut and run.  At that point, I did not really care what happened.  Facebook is still around.  Fin.

If you're not familiar with Redbox, it's time to get that way.  $1/night is super cheap and legal.  You can find one here.

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