Monday, May 16, 2011


It's funny how GQ can be so polarizing to me.  In one article, they'll gripe that $6 is too much for a lip balm, and on the next page they'll tout a $400 shirt.  That's probably more than I spend on all clothes I wear in a year--including shoes. 

Anywho, imagine my surprise when I glanced the latest cover:

Back?  Where did he go?  Since The Hangover, I'd go so far as to say that Zach G. has been damn-near ubiquitous.  Due Date.  Dinner for Schmucks.  Up in the Air.  SNL. 

Can I get an amen?

Also, mini-rant: The Hangover was a funny (definitely R-rated) movie.  Why couldn't we leave it at that?  Why did they have to do a sequel?  The obvious answer is the money.  But wasn't it somewhat refreshing to watch that comedy way back in 2009 and actually laugh? 

Of course I have not seen the sequel and can't speak to how funny it may or may not be.  But look at the movies in the last, oh, I don't know...ten years.  They're either fairly terrible remakes or comic book movies.  That's why I blog about movies such as Rabbit Hole and Away We Go and even Kramer vs. Kramer.

What are some of your favorites?

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