Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sights of the Season

I've been meaning to post these few pictures from the last month or so.  Here are: a pumpkin spice Bundt cake, homemade mashed potatoes, and mini-loaves of banana nut bread. 

Happy New Year, dear readers.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas To You

I hope you have a great Christmas.  Mine's a work in progress.  I'm "on beeper" for my company, trying to put out e-fires at hospitals around the country.  I do have the whole series of Arrested Development to keep me company, though. 

I may not post much for a week or so, but never fear; like a phoenix or a runny nose, I shall return.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Dear Mr. Obermann: What difficulties did you encounter moving from ESPN to MSNBC? And who's your choice for the NHL playoffs this year? Judy from Tulsa
Dear Judy: Ted, Hi. Listen, Ted. I'm not trying to be rude here but you really need to secure your garbage cans a little better. Yeah, they're blowing over every time a strong wind hits the street, and we've got trash from your cans blowing onto my yard. Ok, I know I told you last week to switch from those noisy metal garbage cans to the new plastic ones, but Ted, listen. If you can't tie the cans to the side of your house, maybe you could keep them in your garage until Garbage Collection day? Yeah, it's Thursday at 6, same as usual. Ted, I'm not being patronizing here. I'm trying to help, okay? Well, I'll stay on my side of the fence if your garbage stays in its cans on your side of the fence, okay, pal?

Dear Mr. Olbermann: If you had known in advance what the fallout from MSNBC over your donations to the Democratic candidates would have been, would you have done things differently? Ken from Oakland

Dear Ken: Yeah, Ted, it was me who left that note in your mailbox. Well, if you weren't so defensive all the time, I'd have come by for a friendly chat. Look, the fact is, your damn kid and his friends are playing that music of theirs too damn loud! You gotta get him to turn it down!
Okay, fine, he stapled a bunch of egg cartons to the inside of the garage, great. Ted, that does jack squat if he's playing with the garage door open! Look, I called the city bylaw office, and your kid's band is violating a noise bylaw! I'm gonna get the cops next time! What? What's that? Hey, that's funny! "Buy some Earplugs!" How 'bout you teach your damn kid some manners? Ted, Ted. Listen. I'm trying to be reasonable, here.
Look- Ted, look. I'm on the community board and- Yeah, that's right! I am throwing my weight around, fella! I paid a good price for my house and I don't want my property values to plummet! You know what else? I'm smelling pot coming from there! Yeah, pot! Wouldn't that be a surprise for the cops, the next time they come by to investigate the next noise complaint! Oh, yeah? I'll mind my business when you learn to raise your kids! Up yours, too, buster!

Dear Mr. Olbermann: If one of the responsibilities of the news media is to be as objective as possible, don't you feel that the ideological schism between you and other pundits like your rival Bill O'Reilly will have negative long-term effects on the news media in general? What I mean is, the public' choice in the news is becoming so fragmented, that ultimately, its faith in the news to provide useful information in a timely manner is compromised. The news media becomes an arm of an entertainment empire, and in the end, a mis-informed public winds up acting against its own interests. As seen in the rise of the Tea Party activists, for example. To be even more succinct, wouldn't you agree it's a bad thing that if I, an American who wants the news about my own country without any spin put on it, has to log on to the Guardian U.K. web page? Kevin from Berkley

Dear Kevin: Ok, that does it, Ted. No more Mr. Nice guy! Yes, Ted, that is a lump of dog shit I'm holding here. More specifically, a lump of your dog's shit. I thought your damn kid shat on my lawn at first. Well, it wouldn't surprise me, Ted. What the fuck is that thing, Ted? It shits its body weight twice a day! No, Goddamnit, YOU FUCKING LISTEN! I paid a professional landscaper 25 grand to cover my lawn in Kentucky Blue Grass! They have to import that sod from fucking Kentucky! Oh, don't you roll your eyes at me, you fancy fuck! Firstly, you're paying to have my lawn replaced, asshole! Oh, I'll sue those fake tits off you wife if you don't pay up, fuckface! That dogshit of yours is like battery acid on my Kentucky Blue Grass! Oh, you'll pay, Ted! And you know what else? The next time I catch that shithound crapping on my lawn, I'm not calling Animal Control! No, I'm coming out with a shovel and beating that little rat-fuck shit mutant to death! I'll leave the remains in your fucking mailbox, not a letter! Fuck me? Fuck you, Ted!

Watch this!

'Windup...and the fastball!'

There! Yeah, that dog shit looks really good on your garage door. You know, the door your stoner asshole kid won't shut when he's playing fuckin' feedback through his fuckin' crappy-ass speakers! No, assfuck, I won't wash it off! You wash it off. And throw it in those Wal-mart garbage cans you're too fuckin' stupid to tie down! Oh, yeah? Yeah? You wanna go, Ted? Buddy, you just fucked with the wrong Marine! I ate Bill O'Reilly and crapped out Sarah Palin, bitch! Fucking George Bush is scared of me, Ted! Yeah, Ted, come on, bring the noise! There's gonna be a shitstorm, Ted! Three sounds, Ted! The 'whiff' of you swinging and missing me, the 'crack' of me knocking you flat on your ass, and the 'cha-ching' of my lawsuit against you! Swing at me and you'll have to sell your house! I win, Ted!

Ahh, that's right, go on, crawl back to your hole, Ted! I'll be watching you, bud! Yeah, real tough, flipping me off behind your screen door, Ted! Hey, Ted! Send your wife out, guy! I'll let her know what time it is! Yeah, go on, slam your front door, tough guy. Real brave.

Hm. I wonder if we have still have any of that fried chicken from last night in the fridge...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Deja Vu...Scary

Do you happen to remember this post?  Whew.  I do now.

It's because today, over on Manifold Destiny, I saw a link to this:

I thought, "Dang.  I should do a quick post on this bag from Hickoree's Hard Goods.  And I should call it It's In The Bag."  Then I searched my own blog for the word bag.  Hmmm....

All I can say now is I'm nothing if not consistent.


Dear Guy Who's Running A Dungeons & Dragons Campaign: Help! My daughter is out of control! Ever since she started junior high, she's become like Jekyll and Hyde! She constantly sasses her mother and me, she refuses to help with chores around the house, she's always on the phone, and when she's not on the phone, she's up in her room on that Internet thingy. Worse still, she's starting to stay out later and later. Last night, she showed up at one in the morning! With makeup! Is this all just a 'teen' thing, or should I be concerned? Up To Here In Duluth

Dear Duluth: Hello, Brian? It's your turn to roll for a saving throw. What? Yes, I know your bard is immune to non-magical charms, but this succubus is using a MAGIC charm SPELL, Brian! Roll! Okay, you do get a plus 2 on your throw. Good, fifteen. Okay, that's not enough to save, so your bard drops his sword and walks- What? No, a fifteen isn't enough to save. Okay, look. It's simple math. You need an eighteen to save against magic charm, and you only rolled a fifteen. Fifteen plus two is? No, it is in fact, seventeen.

Ok, check your calculator. Thank you. Hey, Grant, it's your turn to roll.

Yes, Grant, it's a GROUP charm. That means everyone has to roll.

No, it says here in the Monster Manual that the Succubus can cast a GROUP charm once per combat session. See? Now roll. Fine, nineteen, you make it. Now roll for your henchman. Eighteen. Safe! He reels a bit but stands his- hey, where's Ian? IAN! IAN! You're up, dude! Where is he? Ian, hello-oo? Is he in the john? He is? Fine, we'll wait. What?

'Does the succubus have nice tits'?, Brian? Well, for an eight-foot demon with bat wings, red eyes, razor sharp nails, yes, I suppose she does, at that. I don't see what her 'titties' have to do with- Sorry?

Well, Brian, since you're under her enchantment, I don't think this is the time to 'Do her', is it? IAN! HURRY UP!

Dear Guy Who's Running A Dungeons & Dragons Campaign: I just purchased an older house. It's very nice, built about forty years ago with solid construction, treated wood siding, attic in the garage, two stories. My problem is the gutters along the roof are in need of replacing. They seem to be the old tin/aluminum ones, that warp after a while, and they're making my house look kind of run down. My question is two-fold: What type of gutter would you recommend I replace them with, and secondly, is there a gutter on the market that blocks out debris like leaves and such? A reasonably priced gutter would be okay, but I'm concerned with climbing a ladder for two stories to clean out the gutters every spring. Thanks! Houseproud in Cleveland

Dear Houseproud: What the Christ is Ian doing in there? IAN! HURRY UP! God, if he clogs my mom's basement toilet again, I swear I'll- Hm?

Well, no, Brian, your henchman can't attack, on account of he's by the dungeon entrance, guarding your horses.

Well, you could call him, if it wasn't for the facts that A: You're under an enchantment, and currently have no free will and B: Cell phones aren't available in the world of Medieval Kluthor. Okay, Grant, your henchman can get Brian's henchman, but he can't break off the fight until the next turn, then it'll take five to six turns to go get Brian's henchman, and another five to six turns to come back, so the party won't have access to your henchman's sword. If that's what you guys want, fine. But we're waiting for IAN! IAN! COME ON, MAN!

Oh, what were you doing in there, giving birth? It's your turn to- OH, CHRIST, IAN! TURN THE FAN ON! Jeez! Um, my mom's got some air freshener in there, could you-? Thanks.


God in Heaven, what did you eat? Anyways, it's your turn, roll for a save.

Yeah, it's the succubus, she's using a group charm spell. Okay, roll. Whoop, the dice fell off the table. Roll again.

I don't care if it's a twenty, Ian, it fell off the table, it doesn't count. Roll again. No, we agreed last time that dice that fall off the table don't count. Yes, I let it go last week because Brian got all upset and shit when he bounced that dice attacking the Orc chief, and it was one in the morning and some of us have to work at KFC in the A.M. Namely, me.

Yes, Brian, you were near tears. No, you weren't 'angry', you were almost crying.

NO! NO, I'M NOT LETTING HIS ROLL STAND! Ian, roll. Ok, it's eighteen, you're safe, you big baby. Well, if you guys hadn't blown a gasket over a rule that we already agreed on, we'd be moving on. Grant, stop playing 'Angry Bird' on your Iphone and pay attention. Brian, Grant wants to send his henchman to get your henchman to help you fight the succubus, but I told him-

Well, you could use your Magic Remote Message spell, Brian, if you weren't, and I say this again, enchanted. For the second fucking time, already. Are you sure you guys want to send him on? He can't attack this round, and it'll take ten rounds for him to get Brian's henchman? Okay, he's breaking combat this round. Ian, didn't you turn on the bathroom fan?

Dear Guy Who's Running A Dungeons & Dragons Campaign: I recently purchased a 87' Monte Carlo in great condition except for one thing. It leaks oil. A lot. I've already replaced the oil filter, and the oil tray in the engine, but I'm still getting an oil leak. I've heard Monte Carlo's are notorious for leaking oil, but this is getting kind of ridiculous! Oh, I've checked the oil hose, and it's fine, by the way. Thanks in advance! Oil Be Back, in Oxnard

Dear OBB: Okay, Grant, roll for a hit. That's a twelve, with plus three for demons on your sword, and that's a hit. Roll for damage. Six. No, Grant,your bonus is just for a hit, not for damage. Well, yeah, but Succubus aren't Chaotic Evil, they're Neutral Evil. Your sword bonus is for Chaotic Evil, remember? Okay, look at the Monster Manual. What, Ian?

*long pause*

Ian, your henchman can't attack the succubus because he's running back to the entrance to get Brian's henchman.

No, you can't call him back, he's gone.

No, you can't roll for him to hear you call him back because he's gone. What part of that do you not understand? Okay, Ian, roll. What's that smell? The bathroom fan's on but... Eight. That's a miss. Okay, So the succubus rears back and takes a swing at Brian- Huh?




What, Grant?

No, Grant. Your henchman can't pull out his Demon Stone because, as I keep pointing out, he's getting Brian's henchman back at the dungeon entrance. Can I finish this round? Okay, the Succubus rolls, that's a hit, and- no, Brian, a fifteen is a hit!

No, see, your armor class is-

No, Brian, this is basic math, again. Grant, I swear to fuck if you don't put that Iphone away, I'm going to-to...


*long, awkward pause*

Ok, you know what? Get out. All of you. Get the fuck out of my house. Now. Fuck all you assholes. I spent a week working on this dungeon and for what? So you assholes can act like retards, whine, carry on, argue over every rule in the book, try to have sex with female monsters that are trying to kill you, BRIAN, play games on your phone, GRANT, and finally, and unbelievably, IAN, not be toilet trained. I was going to lay my final throne of the Lich-Queen Xymoxia on you fucking ingrates, but you know what? You're all going to miss out! That's right, Brian! I had a +4 Vorpal sword over her throne and you could'a got your greasy little palms on it! Ha, ha! But now you're not gonna! You all would've got 5000 experience points, which would've put Ian and Grant up a level, 2000 gold pieces each, and five, count 'em five fucking healing potions! If you fuckin' gaylords can't act like adults and treat Dungeons and Dragons with the gravitas and respect it deserves, the world is going to continue to see table-top RPGs as juvenile, sophomoric, lightweight entertainment for nerds. And you guys are just perpetuating the stereotypes. So once again, good job, fuck all of you, get your shit, and get the hell out. Goodbye, forever, asshats.

Excuse me, Grant, what was that?

Well, yeah, Grant, obviously I'm still on for our World of Warcraft clan's raid this next Tuesday. Dur!

Monday, December 13, 2010

If Only You Could Wear It...

I am talking about LearnVest.  I first heard about this on The Nate Show, and I recently saw a little mention in a magazine.  An investigation ensued.

This is a website dedicated to uncomplicating our finances.  Retirement, taxes, insurance, real estate.  It's all there--and more.  And it's all free.  They even have a daily e-mail.  (Check!) 

I've only spent about thirty minutes at this point, but so far it is excellent.  It's easy to see how this could have an Etsy effect (wherein you start out looking at one thing and find yourself, three hours later, with so much more in your mental inventory). 

I have already read articles on getting a better cell phone rate, making your own 'green' cleaners, and brushing up on your auto insurance policy.

Confession: The site is targeted at women.  Don't care.  They break it down, Outkast-style.  Ok.  That's a bit strong, but for real, it's simple and easy to follow, without condescending to the reader.  I really recommend this to everyone, but it would be especially good for younger people who are just graduating and starting to work/save money.  Spoiler alert: one of my resolutions for 2011 is to learn more about investing and jump on it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mini-Gift Guide 2010

Ok.  So the gifts aren't mini, but this should be a fairly concise guide to finding something for most people on your list, most under $20.  Tah der.  Remember to buy locally when possible, too, but these are some ideas for those with limited options and/or time.  Please bear with me and read on until the end.  It's worth it!  Promise.

Oh, and the rules I gift-shop by. 
1. Shop year-round.  (Whoops.  Well, this guide is a great place to start, if you're a little behind.  And you'll know for next year.)  This strategy allows you to constantly browse for items on sale or out of season that could be useful later.  Think birthdays as well.

2. Only buy it if you're sure it's something the person will use, read, display, eat, play with, or wear (this can be the trickiest one--see #4).

3. Is this something you'd rather have for yourself?  If you answered yes, then get a duplicate.  You'll only come to resent your loved one.

4. Consider the person's lifestyle.  Are they trying to watch their weight?  Well, stay away from Godiva.  If she's a T-shirt and jeans person, avoid fancy jewelry or sweaters.  She will not wear them.  I had to learn this lesson from some of my family members.

5. Only give a gift card if it's a last resort or you just want to help them purchase something they've mentioned that you do not want to spring for.  Hehe.  Is the person just impossible to buy for?  Do they already have everything they could possibly want?  Have they dropped no hints throughout the year?  You can always donate to a charity in their name.  I like St. Jude and Gilda's Club.  The organization will usually mail a card to the "in honor of" person, and your donation should be tax deductible.  It's a win-win.

Without further ado, here are some ideas that should be crowd pleasers.

2011 Planner from Dozi on Etsy.  Confession: I ripped these right off of Freck.  She won't mind.  They're great and a steal at $11.50 each.

Silver bowls from Jamali Garden.  Ina would approve.  These are $12 each, and you could present one as-is or fill it with candy.  Ghirardelli squares, anyone?!
 Aveda's Shampure Candle.  This is my new favorite thing.  The candle with recycled/reusable glass container is $32 and burns for about 50 hours.  The refill candle is $22.  It's an earthy scent, so girls and guys should dig this.

 Stationery from Rifle Paper Co.  I feel that paper is always a good gift.  This set would be ideal for dog lovers, but Rifle has an excellent selection for other people in your life.  The price is $16 for a set of 8.  That's only $2 per card (with envelope), which is not too shabby.  For a licensed character at Hallmark, you'll spend twice this.  Also consider something like this for children.  It's never too early to teach good manners (like sending thank you cards) in this day and age.

How to Be Popular at FredFlare.  You cannot go wrong with cheeky books.  The cover alone is worth the $13.95. 

 iPod case from Byrd & Belle.  Yes, I blogged about these before, but they warrant a second look.  Angie, the designer, makes cases for just about any Apple product your techie's heart could desire.  This one is $26, and it will be unlike anything s/he will see in stores.

Hopefully this guide has given you some good ideas.  I don't have a promo code or a giveaway or anything except a thank you for taking time out of your day to visit Specs Appeal, throw a little comment love my way, and share part of your lives with me.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas, Real Simple Style

I may have hinted at this before, but if you're not signed up for one or all of Real Simple's free daily e-mails (or the magazine itself), you're missing out.  Today's message was no exception.  There was a nifty link to several decorating ideas.  To wit:

You know how much I like a shoe form.  :)

Aren't these cool ideas?  See more here.  Their ideas are actually doable and would not cost a fortune.  Oh, and I'm trying to get in the spirit.  Can you tell?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Is Where I Leave You (the book, not a personal statement)

Wow.  I heart this book

It's all about the life of Judd Foxman, a non-practicing Jew (it comes into play!) whose wife cheats on him with his boss.  Oh, and Judd's father has just passed away.  He returns to his New England childhood home to observe the shiva (see?) with his mother and siblings.  In case you're not familiar, which was me until reading this book, shiva is a Jewish tradition in which the close relatives of the departed person mourn his death and welcome co-mourners for seven days. 

It was fascinating enough just to learn more about this practice, but throw on some family drama, childhood memories, and a ton of hilarity, and you have a real winner.  This was seriously a book that pained me to put down; I have since checked out Tropper's Everything Changes, which is very much in the same vein of being addictive.  (See what I did there.  Vein.  Addiction.  Drugs.  Hehe.)

Favorite quote from this book, spoken by Judd's older brother:

At some point, being angry is just another bad habit, like smoking, and you keep poisoning yourself without thinking about it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today I'm thankful for my: health, job, friends, family, American citizenship, collection of lip balms, subscription to Real Simple's daily e-mails (see picture above), and DVR. 

I'm also thankful for your: blogs, comments, and visits here.

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Watch Me Go Green

Ok, ok.  Back in the summer I posted how I always go for relatively inexpensive watches.  It's true.  Or was.  I saw this and had to have it.

It's a Citizen Eco-Drive, and I'm crazy for it!  A month ago I saw this same watch in GQ and thought how nifty it would be.  And I'm not the kind of person who usually runs out and buys something just because I saw it in a magazine.  

Plus, I decided that since this one is solar-powered and never needs a new battery, I should not feel guilty about spending a tiny bit more than a few Timexes.  It's still not a Rolex or anything like that.  Granted, I am the slightest bit terrified to scratch it, but I know I'm in good hands.  My pals Steve and Missy, who own Steve's Jewelers back in my hometown of Union City, have got the hookup.  In the event that I have a watch or jewelry question, they always know the answer. 

And they happen to carry Citizen.  I sent Missy a picture of this one, and they had it in stock.  Color me green!

I do like the band it came with, but it was a little too military for everyday wear for my taste, so I switched it out with this one.

I found it at J.Crew for $20, and it's a lot more flexible and classic than the green one.  Of course I'm still keeping that one to mix it up, but the gray is my go-to band now.  Plus, it's kind of cool that this is a custom creation and no one (at least for many miles) has this same watch/band combination.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You Cheated on Me with Choreography. And That is the Worst Kind.

I really don't know why I have not yet blogged about Modern Family

It's genius, really.  My pal Ashley had been trying to get me to watch it shortly after it premiered last year, and I'm glad I finally came around.  Normally I shudder at "family" comedies and sometimes really wanted to sue the vile CBS because everybody does not love Raymond.  But Modern Fam is different.  Because it's actually funny.  And it's on ABC on Wednesday nights at 9/8 Central.

TV veteran Ed O'Neill plays Jay Dunphy, the patriarch of this crazy extended family.  He marries the spicy, much younger Gloria, who has a (hilarious!) son named Manny.  His daughter Claire (Julie Bowen, also a vet) is married to the delightful Phil, and they have three children.  Then there's Mitchell, the son/brother who, with his partner Cam, have adopted the adorable Lily.

The show has already racked up Emmys, including Outstanding Comedy Series.  If you're not watching yet, click here to see a bit.  You won't be sorry.

Oh.  This post was going to be about last night's episode, in which they celebrate Manny's birthday at Maggiano's, which I also love.  But I decided to make this an official endorsement.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

April & Oliver

If you're looking for a particularly season-specific book, I think I've found it.  

This is Tess Callahan's story of April and Oliver, childhood friends whose lives remain intertwined, for better or worse.  Upon the sudden death of April's younger brother Buddy, the title characters are reunited after growing apart post-high school.  Oliver is the preppy, quiet law student, who is engaged to the seemingly perfect blonde Bernadette.  April is the tough-exteriored bartender whose dark hair matches her mood.

As you can probably tell from the rather striking composition of the cover, this is not a feel-good story.  But it's not a total downer, either.  What happened in their respective pasts that caused them to turn out the way they are?  Are they ever going to just hook it up and end the suspense?  Way before the end of the story, I wanted both of the main characters to succeed, in spite of their challenges.  And even though part of it takes place at a beach house, you still get that sort of crispy, cool feeling that's present throughout most of the book.  I read it in bed, as I often do, and it was a nice one to snuggle up with.

What are you reading right now?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Swirly Goodness, Indeed

While I will always be loyal to my favorite guys, barring a catastrophic outbreak of lactose intolerance, I have a new discovery in Nashville.  It's Pinkberry.  And it's de-lish.

Yum is really all I can say.  I'd heard about Pinkberry from magazines and blogs (it seems that stars are usually seen cavorting about with those little containers), so I thought it was time to check out the new location on West End Avenue.  Oh, and in case you're wondering what it is, let me clarify.  It's fro-yo, yo!  (I didn't know for the longest time.  I wondered if it was snow cones or frozen berries or what.)

Ashley was down with that, so we hit it up on Saturday night.  They have several flavors of yogurt and a variety of fresh fruit and fully machine-made candy toppings.  I picked chocolate (duh) with chocolate crispy drizzle and a chunk of waffle cone.  Ashley got two mini swirls of pomegranate and mango.  We were both on cloud nueve.  Unless you like that super-tart, not very sweet flavor, steer clear of the original. 

Of course it's not health food by any means, but it's a fairly smart way to treat yourself.  Nonfat or low-fat yogurt.  Active cultures.  All that.  But also tasty.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ace in the Hole

I'm hooked on lip blam.  You may remember that from a while back, but in case you're new, this brings you up to speed.  And I just realized that I started this post with the same sentence as the older one.  Oh well.  I'm nothing if not consistent. 

Anywho, I had read about the brand Jack Black and how awesome their lip balms are.  On my last trip to Sephora, I decided to give them a whirl.  I'm glad this happened.

Jack Black is a men's line, which means that it's sort of low on the frills factor.  These lip balms are not too shiny or sticky, and they really work.  Plus, they have some SPF going on.  I'm for that.  I've taken to putting them on before bed, and I'm hoping that they pass the test of the dry winter air.

Do you have any new lip discoveries?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Ok.  I'm a tad late with this, but I wanted to share.

I made these whoopie pies to share with my pal Emily on Halloween, when I helped her pass out pounds and pounds of candies.  She lives on this crazy-cool street, and it was bonkers.  There were kids everywhere.  My favorite was a girl wearing a sweater vest, cool glasses, and scales down her back.  I asked what she was; she said a thesaurus.  Loved it.

I got this little word puzzle from a co-worker last year, and it's hung in my cubicle ever since.  Check out those directions.  Circle the correctly spelt halloween words.  And is RIP in this context really a word?  Again, love it.

I hope you had a fun Halloween and ate plenty of candy.

Whether Netflix?

So Netflix's VOD service came to Canada in late September, which is one of the reasons October was a wash for this blog. I'm not sure what the selection for Netflix is like in the States in terms of its VOD service. But for what I'm getting and for the price I'm paying, it's a pretty good deal.

On first glance, browsing through the selection, my thoughts were, "Hm. The selection here seems to be along the lines of a family-run independent video store five years ago when it's a holiday weekend and you've just come in a half-hour before closing. So all the first-run movies are rented out, and most of the second-run movies are as well. In other words, blockbusters like Iron Man and Avatar are nowhere to be seen. (I suspect if Netflix's VOD service in Canada really takes off, they'll offer a premium package for $25 a month, so you can get access to those aforementioned type of new releases.)

On the other hand, the selection is a lot better than I expected. I'd break it down like this: 50% unwatchable direct-to-video independent stuff that even the Sy-Fi channel turned their nose up, (Giant Octopus Vs. Giant Whatever, Independent Horror Movie where All the Female Cast Gets Nekked, Indie Gay Dramady Where Three Actors From Community Theater Sit in a Room and Whine About Being Gay), 30% movies and T.V. shows that you've already seen dozens of times already, but you wouldn't say no to seeing again, like Dune, Aliens, and the Ren and Stimpy show, and 20% films that are pretty good, but you wouldn't have rented them if you were at that mom-and-pop store because they were buried in the stack of dross. (Cache, Yojimbo, Irreversible- a pretty surprisingly good selection at that, really.) The overall selection is large enough that the numbers are in my favour.

So here's a quick look at what I've been watching:

Into the Night (D) - Uneven comedy/thriller by John Landis starring Michelle Pfeffer and Jeff Goldblum. It looks like Landis wanted to direct a tribute to Blake Edwards' Pink Panther series, but the violence is too brutal to laugh off, and some of the cameos are really distracting. (You see Dan Ackroyd in the beginning as one of Goldblum's co-workers, and you assume he's going to turn up in the story later as part of the plot, but it's just a pointless cameo, like David Cronenburg.)

Funny Games (B) - Micheal Heneke's admonition/experiment in horror porn doesn't really work, on account of the type of people who see films like 'Saw' and 'Hostel' don't exactly run to Heneke films. And the type of people who see Heneke films don't watch horror porn, as a rule. I howled over the John Zorn song in the opening, and the 'rewind' bit near the end, which is not the intention Heneke had, I think...

Dune (B+) - Could've been a contender. I'm watching it, and thinking that if Lynch had gotten the control he needed, this would've been a masterpiece. All he needed to do, in retrospect, was remind the money people that he's not Jodrowsky...

Irreversible (A) - Brilliant.

Lake of Fire (B) - Sober doc about the abortion debate in America. Even though director Tony Kaye is being as even-handed and objective as humanly possible about both sides, the pro-life lobby still come across as a bunch of extremist loons. (Fun game: Put the words 'white' and 'christian' in front of the pro-life nuts when they start preaching about the 'rights of the unborn'. It puts their arguments in a more understandable context...)

The Human Centipede (F) - An awful movie, and not just for the obvious reasons. You get the impression director/writer Tom Six would carve a swastika on his forehead if it sold tickets. Matter of fact, if the distributor could figure out a way to charge people to NOT see this film, they'd be making Avatar money. It's not just the crappy acting, direction, editing (in a Tommy Wiseau way), but the fact that Six doesn't seem to understand the difference between an idea and a conceit.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Gregory Maguire is a name that you may not be very familiar with.  It's one of those that you've probably heard a few times (like Mitt Romney or Barry Diller) but are not quite sure who they are.  Well, I have a word for you.  Wicked.  Wicked, to be more precise.  He's the author who inspired the hit Broadway musical with his version of the Oz tale.

Maguire takes classic children's stories and reworks them in a way that is fairly unique.  He usually throws in a dash of intrigue, a romance, and a deeper, more grown-up sense of magic. 

Lost was the last of his big-people books that I had not read.  (He also writes truly kiddy books, which I'm sure are great.)  It seemed to hold the same promise as his other stories, but it fell flat.  And quick.  It was sort of a pastiche of Ebenezer Scrooge, Jack the Ripper, and a modern-day writer who travels back to her ancestral home in England.  Quite simply, there were too many references and not enough cohesion in the storyline.  I did make it to the end, but I really didn't care how it turned out.  (See also: this season of Project Runway.)

Let me say that I really enjoyed the Wicked series.  Ok...the third book (A Lion Among Men) could have been completely left out, but the first two books more than make up for it.  I loved Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Mirror Mirror, too.  You can see his other books here.  I definitely recommend reading from his catalog, but don't start with Lost, or you may not get much further.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Iconoclastic Specs

Have you ever seen the show Iconoclasts on the Sundance Channel? 

It's great.  Robert Redford produces this show, which brings together two standouts in different fields who interview each other.  This weekend it was Cate Blanchett, one of my favorite actresses, and Tim Flannery, a fellow Aussie friend of hers who studies climate change.  This was right up my alley, but imagine my surprise when I saw Cate's crazy-cool specs.

I love them...and her.  Not everyone could pull off such a dramatic (ha) frame, but she is one of the few.  The show comes on Saturdays at 9 Eastern/8 Central, but they re-air episodes all the time.  The week before it was a re-run of Fiona Apple with Quentin Tarantino. 

Look out when Charlize Theron meets Jane Goodall.  It promises to be a (insert-clever-monkey-joke) time.  

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pop Chart!

I saw this link today on Daily Candy, and I got quite a kick out of it.  It's a poster called Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names from the company Pop Chart Lab.

It includes such jewels as Doodlebug, Lateef the Truthspeaker, and Krust.  If you click the link, you can roll over the image for a magnified view.  Be sure to look for categories like Familial, Virtues, and Audacious Misspelling.  I know some of my fellow children of the 90s will appreciate this as well. 

At 20 bones, I'd say it's a flippin' steeeeel, yo.  Yeah.  I took it there.  What?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Valet Says: Try This At Home

I usually read Valet each day during lunch at my desk, or if I go out, I may or may not read it while taking a mini-break from work.  They're sort of hit or miss, in terms of what is actually wearable and/or affordable for most American guys, but they always have something entertaining.

To wit:

Today it's an assortment of home decor items based on clothing style.  The post is called Try This At Home.  This collection is called "Urban Rake," which made me smile.  I'm sort of a mixture of three of the four featured styles.  Can you guess which one did not make my list?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Geek in the Pink

I'm mildly obsessed with Warby Parker and have been thoroughly enjoying my new specs.  Even though I probably won't be buying more frames any time soon, I still find myself perusing their website every few weeks. 

Here's the most recent discovery.

Isn't this awesome?  They've made a new version of their Japhy style in this nifty pink shade, and $50 from each sale goes to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  Style and substance.  That's a rare combination these days.

Monday, October 18, 2010

WE (Still) Love

So I guess I'm somewhat of a creature of habit, but if lovin' West Elm is wrong...  Well, you know the rest.

I've had my eyes on this for a while.

And now it is mine.  It's a duvet cover, and the color is sea spray, which is sort of a blue-gray.  Go figure.  :) 

I had a coupon for 10% off, so I picked this up, along with the 2011 Linda & Harriett calendar.  It's so awesome that Liz from L&H is selling her calendar through a national retailer like West Elm.  You can find one at your local store or through her website

If you're thinking of buying one, though, now is the time.  Last year I don't think they lasted through Thanksgiving. 

I'm also going to try to pick back up with more regular blogging.  Things have been a little tricky lately.  I hope you're all doing well.

(pictures from and, respectively)

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag

Do you happen to remember this post on the first Flavia de Luce novel?  Well, I'm happy to report that I picked up the second book, and it was equally entertaining. 

Just like last time, Flavia is up to her old tricks, but now there's a new mystery afoot.  It all starts when a shady puppeteer and his mysterious female companion show up (or rather break down) in the town of Bishop's Lacey.  Of course Flavia senses that something is fishy from the first minute, and she's completely right.  Throw in some good, old-fashioned town gossip and a rich, visiting aunt, and you've got a few hours of entertainment.

Again, this is a fun story of intrigue, science, and humor.  Best line of the book: Boil me dry!  Flavia is always using really odd expressions, and I'm into it.  Alan Bradley continues to do an excellent job of writing from the perspective of a young girl, even as she begins to mature and see the world in two different ways. 

If you have not read the first book, then, really, what are you waiting for?  The weather is about to get cool, and these would be the perfect start to your hibernation. 

What are you reading now?  Do tell.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's All Go to the Lobby...

...and then promptly back to our seats to revisit some classics, especially after seeing these reimagined movie posters on the unfortunately named EveryGuyed.  I love the simplicity and the graphic punch, and even for the few movies in this lineup that I haven't seen, I know exactly what they're getting at.  Yes, I just ended a sentence with a preposition.

I first saw these linked from Valet and then again over at Manifold Destiny, but that won't stop me from posting here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Visit Home/New Specs Debut

This past weekend I got to go home and visit some friends, including Lexie and James, Holly and co. (including Stella!), and my mom and brother.

Here is a picture of me with that sweet baby.  Isn't she precious?  She loves her Toms.  Sorry.  And those are my new Coltons from Warby Parker.

This is my other new pair, called Thompson.  This shot was back from the demo days, and I tried my best to doctor the picture within an inch of its life.

Originally I thought that the Thompsons would be the go-to, everyday frames, but the more I wear the Coltons, the more I like how they're just slightly oversized and funky.  My mom called them tiger.  She meant tortoise but wouldn't concede.  It wasn't worth the argument.  Believe me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Aren't Hue Ready for a Quiz?

I had to.  This quiz was in my inbox today from Real Simple.  It's called What's Your Color Personality?.

I already knew what I would "score," but it was still fun to take the quiz and read the information at the end.  It only took about five minutes.  Give it a whirl, won't you?

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Sunday Adventure

One weekend ago I enjoyed a mini-field trip to the Adventure Science Center here in Nashville.  My pal Ashley and I went on a Sunday, when it was free.  And what fun we had.  It made for nice memories, especially when I was on call for work this past week and weekend.

Here are some pictures.