Monday, December 14, 2009

Ching, clink, ching...

I know it's a few weeks early for a New Year's resolution, but I'll just say it. I shop too much. Ok. That probably won't change, but maybe it's safer to say that I sometimes buy too much.

Here's the thing. I don't always spend tons on individual items, as most things that I buy are on sale, but the irony is that I end up with crazy muliples in many situations.

I'm a big believer in having the staples on hand. Toilet paper, flour, your favorite rice and chocolate. Whew. I need to draw the line, though, at other things. This weekend I hit up my local J.Crew and scored BIG time. I got a sweater, a dress shirt, a sweatshirt, and a tote bag for about $100....but I really don't need any more clothes. The closet is full, and I still feel like I wear the same thing every day.

I could go on about my affinity for shampoo and cookbooks and greeting cards, but I'll save myself what could be construed as embarrassment. My goal is to go for three months (January-March) without extraneous spending. Pray for me.

(image from

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