So, courtesy of the 'Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule' movie blog, here's my answers to their idiosyncratic movie quiz:
1) Best Movie of 2010 - 2010 is the year I saw less new movies than I've normally seen ever. Partially because T.V. had the gall to be so damned entertaining these past few years, and partially because the movie industry's fallen into the bad rut of trying gimmicks instead of telling stories. So I'm gonna go with 'The Social Network'.
2) Second-favorite Roman Polanski Movie
-Tess of the D'urbanvilles
3) Jason Statham or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
-Jason Statham.
4) Favorite movie that could be classified as a genre hybrid
-Pulp Fiction. But of course, all of Tarantino's movies are nothing if not blah blah blah...
5) How important is foreknowledge of a film’s production history? Should it factor into one’s reaction to a film?
-None whatsoever and Nope. If you're a professional film critic, I suspect it's going to colour your take of the film, and you'll take it into account when reviewing a film. ("Coming off a troubled production...") But for a layman like me, foreknowledge of a film's history is a film geek's game...
6) William Powell & Myrna Loy or Cary Grant & Irene Dunne
-Bill and Myrna.
7) Best Actor of 2010
-Peter Sarafinowitcz. I've only seen him in television shows, (Look Around You and Running Wilde) which may not count. But more of him, please.
8) Most important lesson learned from the past decade of watching movies
-That the message that the nerdy guy gets the beautiful girl because only she can see his sterling inner qualities is the longest one-way street in movie tropes, ever.
9) Last movie seen (DVD/Blu-ray/theater)
-Toy Story 3/Inception/Tron Legacy. Can we add 'movies purchased off the internet, like off the Playstation Network?' That would be 'How to Train Your Dragon', by the way...
10) Most appropriate punishment for director Tom Six
-"anosognosia" - The state of being so dumb that one cannot understand how dumb one is being. It's a perfect way to describe the world view of Tom Six. His attitude towards everyone's reaction to the 'Human Centipede' is about the same as the cast of the 'Jersey Shore's take on their new-found 'fame'. So, in essence, the rock of anosognosia that Tom Six is under is his ideal punishment.
11) Best under-the-radar movie almost no one else has had the chance to see
-Chris Morris' 'Four Lions'
12) Sheree North or Angie Dickinson
-Angie. If only for her spunky grifter in 'Rio Bravo'.
13) Favorite nakedly autobiographical movie
-Lindsay Anderson's 'If'.
14) Movie which best evokes a specific real-life place
-'The Big Lebowski'. I can't recall a movie which sums up Los Angeles more succinctly...
15) Best Director of 2010
-David Fincher.
16) Second-favorite Farrelly Brothers Movie
-'There's Something About Mary.
17) Favorite holiday movie
-'It's a Wonderful Life'
18) Best Actress of 2010
-My default answer would be Olivia Wilde, since she was the only one 'acting' in Tron. Like I said, it's been a pretty weak year for me and new movies...
19) Joe Don Baker or Bo Svenson
-Joe Don Baker.
20) Of those notable figures in the world of the movies who died in 2011, name the one you’ll miss the most
-I think you mean '2010', fella. On that note, Dennis Hopper, naturally.
21) Think of a movie with a notable musical score and describe what it might feel like without that accompaniment.
The moody score of Michael Mann's 'The Insider'. I can't begin to imagine what it would sound like with a more traditional score. Actually, all of Mann's films, now that I think of it, have the type of score that's inseparable from the visuals.
22) Best Screenplay of 2010
-The Social Network. In a walk.
23) Movie You Feel Most Evangelistic About Right Now
-again, 'Four Lions' by Chris Morris.
24) Worst/funniest movie accent ever
-Worst as in most offensive? Mickey Rooney in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. Funniest? Peter Sellers in 'A Shot in the Dark'. But Sellers was being intentionally bad/funny.
25) Best Cinematography of 2010
-Toy Story 3. Is it a cheat? No.
26) Olivia Wilde or Gemma Arterton
-Oliva Wilde, if only because she was the only person, like I said above, actually, you know, acting in Tron Legacy...
27) Name the three best movies you saw for the first time in 2010 (Thanks, Larry!)
-Ballad of a Soldier, American Movie, The Grapes of Wrath (Thanks, Netflix!)
28) Best romantic movie couple of 2010
-Spanish version Buzz Lightyear and Jessie the Cowgirl from Toy Story 3? (Again, slim pickin's this year...)
29) Favorite shock/surprise ending
-Dae Su-Oh's discovery in the climax of Chan Wook Park's 'Oldboy'. Had me out of the chair in shock, which never happens...(I'm hoping they didn't mean, 'in 2010...')
30) Best cinematic reason to have stayed home and read a book in 2010
-" 3D..."
31) Movies in 2011 could make me much happier if they’ only_______________
-not be in 3d, not be 'based on a graphic novel', not be inspired by a self-help book, or any book by Nicolas Sparks,for that matter.
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