Wednesday, April 16, 2008

25 Great Movie Moments...

(note: these are just off the top of my head and not the definitive greatest moments in movie history, mmkay? Anyhoo, see what you think o' these...)

1: (oh, these aren't in any order, either.) The entire audience, in gap-mouthed shock, as the opening number of Franz Leibkind's 'Springtime For Hitler' comes to an end.

2: That electric moment in Oldboy when ex-prisoner Dae-Su Oh discovers who his lover really is...

3: "Hey, Marvin, What do YOU think?"

"Man, I don't even have an opinion!"

"Well, you gotta have an opinion! Do you think God came from heaven and stopped the bull-" Bang! -from Pulp Fiction.

4: "Osgood, I'm a man!"

"Well, no one's perfect!" -from Some Like it Hot.

5: Silence of the Lambs: When the prison-garbed body is taken out of the elevator shaft by the S.W.A.T. team. "Where's Dr. Lecter?"

6: "Hello. I'm Dr. McLuhan. You know nothing of me or my work!" "Boy, wouldn't it be great if life was really like this?" - from Annie Hall

7: Theo walking out of the shot-up building with the mother and the baby in Children of Men.

8: In City of God: the entire sequence setting up 'Rocket's' inability to enter into the criminal underworld.

9: "Gentlemen! You can't fight in here! This is the War room!" -from Dr. Strangelove

10: Jack's experiences in the 'Living with Cancer' therapy group-especially Chloe, from Fight Club.

11: The fist fight between John Wayne and Victor McLaglen that runs the length of the village in 'The Quiet Man'.

12: "She's my sister-SLAP!-my daughter-SLAP-my sister-SLAP!" -from Chinatown.

13: Red finding Andy Dufrene's note by the wall in The Shawshank Redemption. (Yeah, I know, director Frank Darabont wanted Andy's escape from the prison drain tunnel to be the movie's 'trancendent' moment, but- ugh...)

14: Randall reading off the increasingly obscene order list in front of the woman and her kid to the movie retailer in Clerks.

15: Christopher Walken. Dennis Hopper. Their only scene together in 'True Romance'.

16: Dave Bowman 'killing' HAL 9000 in '2001'

17: Rutger Hauer's death scene in 'Blade Runner'.

18: The half-hour silent robbery scene in 'Rififi'.

19: Raymond Burr notices Grace Kelly signalling, thinks for a moment, puts two and two together - then looks straight at the camera! Oh shit - now we're gonna get it...Rear Window...

20: The first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan. No, I don't mean the bit of prologue business at the very beginning; if Spielberg took that out, it'd be a far better film...

21: Blondie gets the grave's location from the dying lips of Bill Carson. But only Tuco knows the name on the grave stone... from 'The Good, the bad and the ugly'.

22: Sam Lowrey's dream sequence in Brazil

23: Holly Martins meets Harry Lime under the streets of Vienna - from the Third Man.

24: Daniel on the rope bridge, singing the British Army song - from The Man who would be King.

25: The U-boat starts to rise to the surface, finally. -from Das Boot.

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